
您所在的位置:网站首页 stick to doing sth和keep doing 【中考英语】非谓语动词精讲+精练+答案


2024-01-24 18:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


①too…to… “太……而不能……”。

如:The boy is too young to look after himself. 那个男孩太小而不能照顾自己。

②…enough to…“……足够……”。

如:He is old enough to go to school. 他足够大能去上学了。

③Why don’t you +省略to的不定式?=Why not +省略to的不定式?为什么不……呢?

如:Why don't you get her a photo album? =Why not get her a photo album? 为什么不给她买个相册呢?

④had better+(not)+省略to的不定式。最好(不要)做……

如:You'd better not stay here today. 你今天最好别待在这儿。

⑤Will you please+省略to的不定式?你愿意……吗?

如:Will you please close the door? 能请你把门关上吗?

⑥prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. “宁愿做某事而不愿做某事”

如:I prefer to do more work rather than do nothing at home.我宁愿做更多的工作也不愿在家无所事事。

⑦It is+adj.+for/of sb.+to do.“做某事是……的”

如:It is necessary for us to brush our teeth twice a day.一天刷两次牙对我们是有必要的。


It’s hard to say which one is better.很难说哪一个更好。


It was great fun to have a picnic there. 在那里野餐很有意思。


It took me 2 hours to finish my homework. 完成作业花了我两个小时的时间。



单独作主语时,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式;如果并列的动名词(短语)作主语, 谓语动词用复数形式。如:

Reading in bed is not good for your eyes.在床上看书对你的眼睛不好。

Reading and writing are necessary for us. 读书和写作对我们很有必要。



His favorite sport is playing ping-pong.=Playing ping-pong is his favorite sport.他最喜欢的运动是打乒乓球。


动词宾语, 多用来表示习惯性动作。如:

I like playing football very much.我非常喜欢踢足球。



mind 介意

finish 完成


suggest 建议

practice 练习





can’t help忍不住

go on 继续

be worth值得

be busy忙于

give up放弃

succeed in成功,设法

look forward to期待

be used to习惯于

end up以……结束

put off推迟

pay attention to注意

be interested in对……感兴趣


make (a) contribution (s) to 为……做贡献

devote oneself to 献身,致力于……

look forward to 期待,盼望

preferto 比起……更喜欢……

be used to 习惯……,适应……

pay attention to注意


1.forget doing sth.忘记做过某事

forget to do sth.忘记要做某事(未做)

I forget to bring my homework.我忘记带作业了。

I forget bringing my homework.我忘记已把作业带来了。

2.remember doing sth.记得做过某事

remember to do sth.记得去做某事(未做)

Please remember to post my letter.请记得把我的信寄走。

I remember posting your letter.我记得把你的信寄出去了。

3.try doing sth.尝试做某事

try to do sth.尽力做某事

Please try to do better next time.下次请设法做得更好些。

He tried speaking in English.他试着用英语讲。

4.hear/see sb. doing sth.听见/看见某人正在做某事

hear/see sb. do sth. 听见/看见某人做了某事

I often see him play football 我经常看见他踢球

I saw him playing football went I passed 当我经过的时候,我看见他正在踢球

5.Stop to do sth 停下去做某事

Stop doing sth 停止做某事

Stop to think about it for a moment.停下来想一下这件事。

Stop talking, please.请不要说话。

6.Mean to do sth 打算做某事

Mean doing sth 意味着

I mean to go, but my father would not allow me to.我想去,但我父亲不肯让我去。

Doing that means wasting time.做那件事意味着浪费时间。



the surprising news令人惊讶的消息

a surprised man一个感到惊讶的人

a moving film一部感人的电影

the moved people被感动的人们


the developing country发展中国家

the developed country发达国家

the rising sun正在升起的太阳

the risen sun升起来的太阳

易混句式have sb.do sth.,have sb.doing sth.和have sth. done的区别

1.have sb. do sth.意为“让某人做某事”,have可以用let,make代替。不定式往往表示一次性的具体动作,且强调动作已经完成或尚未发生。

The soldiers had the boy stand with his back to his father.士兵们让这个男孩背对他的父亲站着。

2.have sb. doing sth.表示“使某人作出某种反应”或“劝说/命令某人做某事”;用于否定句时表示“允许/容忍某人做某事”。

Within minutes he had the whole audience laughing and clapping.短短几分钟内他就令全体观众欢笑、鼓掌。

3.have sth.done意为“让某事被别人做”,即ask sb.else to do sth.,过去分词(done)所表示的动作由他人(非主语本身)来完成。

The driver had his car washed once a week.这个司机一周让人洗一次车。


1.To live a low-carbon life, we must remember the lights when we leave the room.

A.to turn off B.turning off C.not to turn off


【解析】句意:为了过低碳生活,我们必须记得要在离开房间的时候关灯。此题考查固定结构用法。remember to do sth.记得要做某事,remember doing sth.记得做过某事,remember not to do sth.记得不要做某事,根据前文“为了过低碳生活”可以判断出,后文是提出的倡议,应该是“记得要关灯”,因此选A。

2.After long years of war, many people in Syria are homeless. I think it important a peaceful world.

A.build B.not build

C.to build D.not to build


【解析】句意:长年战争过后,很多叙利亚人变得无家可归。我认为建设一个和平的世界很重要。本题考查非谓语动词。根据think+it+adj.+to do sth.结构可知此处要用不定式作think的真正的宾语,故答案为C项。

3.My parents don’t allow me late.

A.stay up B.to stay up

C.stays up D.staying up


【解析】句意:我的父母不允许我熬夜。本题考查非谓语动词。allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事。

4.Joining a summer camp is a great chance free time with your friends.

A.spend B.spending C.to spend


【解析】句意:参加夏令营是和你的朋友们一起度过空闲时光的好机会。本题考查非谓语动词。a chance to do sth.意为“一个做某事的机会”,故选择C。

5.We have worked so long. Shall we stop a rest?

A.have B.to having

C.having D.to have


【解析】句意:我们已经工作了那么长时间了。我们停下来休息一下可以吗?本题考查动词不定式。stop doing sth.停止正在做的事情,stop to do sth.停止正在做的事情去做另一件事。根据句意可知是停止工作去休息,故答案为D项。

6.It’s necessary for us to our parents when we have problems.

A.to talk B.talking C.talk


【解析】句意:当我们遇到问题时和父母谈谈对我们来说是必要的。本题考查非谓语动词。由固定句型It is+adj.+for sb to do sth.“做某事对于某人来说是……”可知答案为A。

7.Mr.Smith told his son the football match because of the exam.

A.not to watch B.to not watch

C.not watching D.doesn’t watch


【解析】句意:因为考试史密斯先生告诉他儿子不要看足球赛。tell sb. not to do sth.让某人不要做某事。所以A项符合题意。

8.Nowadays, it’s convenient and cheap for us a shared-bicycle.

A. ride B. to ride C. flying D. to fly


【解析】考查动词不定式。句意:现如今,____共享单车对我们来说是方便并且便宜的。此处考查it作形式主语,真正的主语为不定式。根据句意和固定短语ride a bicycle可知。故选B。

9.The Smiths have decideda house near the sea.

A. buy B. bought C. buying D. to buy


【解析】考查动词不定式。句意:史密斯一家已经决定在海边____一座房子。“decide to do sth.”是固定搭配,意为“决定做某事”。故选D。

10.The students are used to physical exercises in the morning.

A.do B.doing C.did D.have done


【解析】句意:学生们习惯在早晨进行身体锻炼。固定短语“be used to doing sth.”意为“习惯做某事”,故本题选择B。

11.Smoking is not allowed here. Don’t forget your cigarette.

A.to put out B.putting out

C.to put off D.putting off


【解析】句意:这里不允许吸烟。不要忘记熄灭你的烟。put out意为“扑灭,熄灭”;put off意为“推迟”,根据句意可排除C和D。forget to do sth.意为“忘记要做某事”,故本题选择A。

12.It took my sister three hours reading this interesting story.

A.to finish B.finished C.finishing D.finish


【解析】句意:我姐姐花费了三个小时读完这个有趣的故事。固定句型It takes/took sb. some time to do sth.意为“某人花费多长时间做某事”,故本题应选A。

13.—Why is Li Ming practicing speaking English?

— abroad for further study.

A.Go B.Gone C.To go D.Goes




1. The girl always _________ (forget) her things everywhere.

2. The bell _________ (ring) . The students _________ (stop) talking and got ready for the class.

3. Look!It _________ (rain) outside. Neither of us _________ (want) to go boating now.

4. Jim _________ (not finish) reading the book yet. But he _________ (return) it the day after tomorrow.

5. The trees must _________ (plant) and the sand can _________ (stop) from moving toward to the rich farmland.

6. Some trees _________ (cut) down in America now.

7. When your work _________ (do) ,you can _________ (go) and play.

8. He ________(go) to college after he ________(finish) school next year.

9. I have tried three times. Let me ________(try) a fourth time.

10. He was made ________(work) for more than nine hours a day.



3.is raining;wants.

4.hasn’t finished;will return.

5.be planted;be stopped.

6.are being cut.

7.is done;go.

8.will go;finishes.

9.try 10.to work.


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